About Astropolis Daycare
From the name itself, Astropolis (from Greek for City of Stars), gives us a glimpse of the universe that signifies peace and constant movement in the sky. This simply allows us to show that we will be a safe place for children where they will move from childhood to adulthood in a peaceful way.
Our basic philosophy is to acknowledge and respect the different social and cultural backgrounds of the children in our care and value the experiences these bring from the home environment. Our goal is to work together and support the parents in their role as primary caregivers to help each child to grow positively in the emotional, physical, and cognitive aspects of their lives. We will strive to build strong partnership with families to make sure their child is getting the highest quality care as possible.

Our Mission
We want to help build self-esteem, self concepts, a sense of identity and independence in each child. Emotionally supporting the child with what is going on in their lives inside and outside of our daycare walls.